Is this what your normal Sunday fare looks like?
Do you ever wonder what your portions should look like? These are some examples broken down by meal. If you are trying to lose weight, 5 or 6 of these meals a day will get you on the right track. While not an advocate of "diet foods" such as reduced fat oils or low fat butter which usually comes in the form of hydrogenated oil (just use less of full fat real butter and olive oil), I still believe these portions are an earnest gaze at what is real eating. Super Size Me? NOT!
1C fruit
1 C coffee or tea
1 banana
1C of cereal
8 oz. of 2% milk
1 banana
1C coffee or tea

1 medium baked potato
2T sour cream
2T salsa
1C sliced melon
12 oz. water with lemon
1 bowl of tomato soup
1 small tossed salad
2T reduced fat oil and vinegar dressing
4 saltines
6 oz. of skinless chicken breast
1C green beans
2 pats lowfat butter
1 small tossed salad
2T reduced fat oil and vinegar dressing
12 oz. water with lemon
1 large tossed salad
6 oz. skinless chicken breast
2T reduced fat oil and vinegar dressing
1C lowfat wheat thin crackers
12 oz. water with lemon
6 oz. broiled white fish
1C mashed potatoes
1 pat butter
1/2 C peas
2 scrambled eggs
2 strips of turkey bacon
1 piece of wheat toast
1 pat of low fat butter
1 coffee or tea
1 whole wheat English muffin
2 pats of lowfat butter
1 hard boiled egg
1/2 C fruit
8 oz. fruit jouce
8 oz. coffee
6 oz. cooked skinless chicken breast
2T barbecue sauce
1C mixed vegetable
1/2 C brown rice
1 small tossed salad
2T reduced fat oil and vinegar dressing
12 oz. water with lemon
Taken from
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