
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Vegan Delight

Perusing some vegan recipes trying to get ideas for more veggie recipes, I decided to read the introduction to Vegan Delight.  Right there in the first few pages were some of the same insights from Fit For Life, albeit very abridged.  Here were some of the revelations from the author:

1. In food combining, it is OK to eat grains and legumes together
2. Eat raw veggies with your meal, it aides digestion
3. Eat cooked fruit with carbs
4. Avoid 5, 7 & 9 grain breads (I am not sure why but I have heard this elsewhere, including Fit For Life)
5. Eat fruit alone
6. Eat melon and grapes by themselves
7. Eat citrus alone or with vegetables

It was a confirmation that this is not just one man's opinion.  It also signaled to me that perhaps people can be confused about what is "healthy".  For instance, the swith from white to wheat bread is a common misconception in terms of health benefits. White flour is stripped of all nutrients through a process called "refining"and then enriched to try to put nutrients back in.  It is refined so that is has a shelf life and bugs will not eat it.  Many think that they are eating healthy by buying whole wheat.  But there is a difference between whole "wheat" and whole "grain".  Whole wheat is just that, whole wheat, but not whole grain.  Whole wheat is usually refined and enriched and uses molasses to color it.   Whole grain is as it states, whole grain.  It should be the 1st ingredient, and 1st choice if you are trying to get get grains into your diet as a source of fiber.

I would recommend Vegan Delight for anyone looking for alternatives to mainstream food, such as gravies, dressings, sauces and desserts.  The vegetable recipes are very basic, but it is also a great introduction to unfamiliar ingredients such as arrowroot, sea kelp and kombu sea weed!

The two recipes that caught my eye were VERY simple, so simple, I never thought of it myself!

6-8 medium turnips, peeled or unpeeled
Natural Oil (I am assuming olive)
Sea Salt
Preheat oven to 350.  Chop turnips into "fries" and lightly coat with oil.  Place on oiled baking sheet and lightly salt.  Bake for 20 minutes or until tender.

1/2 avocado on a bed of spinach
Fill with marinated vegetables!!
I am assuming the veggies can be raw, steamed or roasted.

So easy but it sounds so yummy!

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