
Friday, September 23, 2011

Cleanse Factor

Are you feeling sluggish and bloated?  Do you have constant craving?  Perhaps a cleanse might be a good place to start to get your body back in compliance.  Cleansing is a very natural way of giving your body a rest so your organs a rest and release toxins that build up from fried, high fat and processed foods that invariable get into our diets.  Our bodies do not recognize these foods and they are very hard to digest, causing an overload in our system and a build up of toxins.

There are many ways to approach a cleanse:

1. For the hard core, you can fast.  Fasting once a week is a good practice and it's FREE!
2. Fast for 3 days followed by a 7 day cleanse
2. Just begin with purchasing a cleanse through a reputable nutritional source.  Check your local health food store or holistic practitioners (naturopath).  To name a few, Master CleanseColonix and Shaklee's Brand Standard Process (google for distributer).  I also have a cleanse that is available to you if you are interested.

Most cleanses will have a fibrous drink.  Usually the base is psyllium hulls.  Then there may be some supplements and a diet for the duration of the cleanse.

A good supplement to take ongoing is acidophilus.  The best ones are usually in the freezer section of health food stores or need refrigeration after opening.

Health Benefits of Acidophilus

  • Acidophilus helps in creating a healthy environment in our gastrointestinal tract
  • Acidophilus helps in fighting against various digestive disorders
  • Acidophilus helps in lowering the serum cholesterol level.
  • Acidophilus helps in the synthesis of various vitamins like vitamin B12 and K and also thiamine and folic acid in our intestine.
  • Acidophilus creates an inhospitable environment for various harmful bacteria
  • Acidophilus also helps in alleviating the symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease.
Cleansing, if gentle, can be done quarterly for optimal benefits.

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