
Monday, August 1, 2011

Burn and Stretch

We have been doing some heavy lifting!  Lifting 3 sets for 30 seconds each, 10 second rest between sets, then one minute rest before blasting into the next exercise.  Power People!  In order to be able to brush your teeth or curl your hair, you will need to stretch to keep flexible.  This is not a suggestion!

Stretching just makes sense, even if you are a seasoned athlete, your recovery is improved as well as reducing the risk of injury by keeping flexible.  Most will skip it due to the time it takes.  Don't.

These are some deep stretches you can do before and and/or after lifting, or anytime to improve flexibility.   Repeat exercises for both sides where applicable.

These are all performed while laying flat on your back:
1. Pull both knees to your chest.
2. Keep your right leg pulled in to your chest while extending your left leg.
3. Keep your left leg out straight.  Pull your right knee towards your chest and then across your body.  Push knee towards the floor.  Try to keep your shoulder blades to the floor.
4. Roll on your left side.  Keep your legs together, bend your right knee and push your right foot against your hand.
5. Roll on your back, keep both knees slightly bent while pulling your right leg toward your chest.
6. Rotate your ankle in both directions.
7. Bend both knees and cross your right leg over your left.  Let your knees fall to the right.
8. Put your right ankle on your left knee.  Pull your left knee toward your chest.

From a seated floor position:
1. Sit up tall with legs straddled.  Square your shoulders to your right leg and reach for your right foot.  2. Sit up tall with legs straddled, lean forward reaching elbows to the floor.
3. Sit with your right leg in front of you, knee bent at 90 degree angle.  Extend left leg straight behind you, knee slightly bent.  Square shoulders to your right thigh and lean over it.

From standing position:
1. Face a wall. Place your right heel on the floor and toes as high as possible on a wall.  Keep right knee straight while you lean on the wall. Repeat on left side.  Repeat calf stretch again, with knee slightly bent.
2. Use your left hand to pull your right elbow across your chest.
3. Place your right palm flat against a wall at chest level.  Twist your body to the left until you feel a stretch in your chest.
4. Raise your right arm above your head.  Bend arm down at elbow.  Use your left hand to increase the stretch of your right tricep but gently pressing elbow down.

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