K.I.S.S.Keep It Strong Sister!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
WHATS EATING YOU? Journey out of emotional eating
Emotional eating occurs when a person eats, not because they are actually hungry, but because they want to feed a feeling. When people are stressed, their brain sends wrong signals to their body and they are looking at food, especially fatty, sugary junk food, to bring them peace. But does it? The same voice that says ,“Just have one, it will make you feel better!” suspiciously sounds the same as the voice that says “You are worthless! You have no self control!”
There are many situations that influence our desire to “consume”. For both men and women it starts with a response to stress and negative emotions.
For women, being isolated and bored alone at home, being pregnant and having a baby, a working spouse who travels, a chaotic and unstructured environment, loss of support network of friends and family or colleagues, frustration, anger and resentment of not liking your new environment, poor self-esteem or feeling insecure. There is also an unspoken rule we place on ourselves that we need to “handle it”, I don’t want to burden anyone, it’s a private matter, everyone else is handling it. Trust me, there are many others dying to put a voice to their silent screams.
For men, boredom, stress and anxiety. They may eat to soothe the compulsion to drink or use drugs (women do this as well). Our culture idealizes the man as big and strong, they are not encouraged to watch what they eat. For some men, the transition in marriage. Trying to please a woman, wanting to show her that they enjoy her cooking. Men are often urged to take a second helping, and many do, just to avoid insulting the chef. It is one thing to enjoy food, it is quite another to abuse it. Men are definitely not encouraged to share their feelings!
These are only a few of the driving forces behind the desire to eat. No diet, no exercise program, no surgery will relieve you of your addiction to food. Why? Because they do not address the profound reasons for your bad eating habits. The more you eat and gain weight the more frustrated you get and the more you eat. This is a vicious cycle that becomes a habit. A habit of weight up and down like a yo-yo, triggering more serious health problems such as diabetes, hypertension and heart attacks. In addition, as you get older it becomes more difficult to lose this extra weight.
The answer is not more rigid programs or over identifying with the problem. It is also not trying to make the food behave. The answer is support, accountability, and a commitment to exercise and a healthy diet. And of course, you have to WANT to.
1. Look for help: Whether it be a good friend, mentor, Pastor, group or professional counselor, seek to change your response to stress and negative emotions. Whatever is triggering your response, you need to address the issue. Just let your stuff hit the fan, so to speak. Then to have someone come along side you in accountability can be highly effect in changing your outlook.
2. If boredom is the reason for overeating: Is there something you always wanted to do, a project or something you wanted to learn but you never had time for? Ask people who share your same interests to help you find the resources. Volunteer at school, church, the library or local plant nursery. Be involved in your local community. Giving without expecting anything in return and helping others usually triggers the production of pleasure hormones in your brain so you are less tempted to eat to get the same good feeling.
4. Exercising is good: But try to find physical activities with possibilities to socialize by joining a group. This can be group exercise, walking, hiking, biking or even visiting local attractions.
5. Be kind to yourself: Accept emotional eating as a legitimate coping choice and tolerate some craving. Organize regularly a dinner or a lunch with your spouse or friends and eat what you like, not out of control, but a scheduled “cheat”. Get back on track the next couple of days by eating fish, lean meats and vegetables, do one more hour of exercise during the week.
6. Do not make eating an event, or try to eat while doing something else: Make a conscious choice of what you are eating, sit down and concentrate on eating only. Eat slowly, pause often, use small plates.
7. Surround yourself with foods that fuel you. Culture makes it very easy to eat quickly and conveniently. When we are stressed, we want to grab processed carbs or fast food. But that food is not fuel, and is not meant to be consumed regularly. Organize your fridge in stations. Left overs, sandwich station, fruits, quick crunchy veggies, natural nut butters, whole grain breads. Make up a larger batch of oatmeal to eat throughout the weak. You can dress it up different each day. Purchase disposable paper table wear with lids from your local restaurant supply store (recyclable of course!) If these foods are at your fingertips, when the crunch comes, you can grab and go from your own home.
Guilt only makes you feel bad about yourself. When you feel bad about yourself, you are experiencing a negative emotion. That is not motivating. You can't change what has been. You can only change what is ahead.
There comes a time when you just have to accept that you have a weakness or a struggle in this area but then move on. Fitness is a lifestyle that may not come easily to some people. But that doesn't mean it can't happen.
Many people who struggle with their weight and eating right have some deep-seated emotional issues to deal with. Don’t expect to move the mountain in one day. Take it a day at a time. But realize, there is no food out there that will make you feel better about what you are feeling.
There are many situations that influence our desire to “consume”. For both men and women it starts with a response to stress and negative emotions.
For women, being isolated and bored alone at home, being pregnant and having a baby, a working spouse who travels, a chaotic and unstructured environment, loss of support network of friends and family or colleagues, frustration, anger and resentment of not liking your new environment, poor self-esteem or feeling insecure. There is also an unspoken rule we place on ourselves that we need to “handle it”, I don’t want to burden anyone, it’s a private matter, everyone else is handling it. Trust me, there are many others dying to put a voice to their silent screams.
For men, boredom, stress and anxiety. They may eat to soothe the compulsion to drink or use drugs (women do this as well). Our culture idealizes the man as big and strong, they are not encouraged to watch what they eat. For some men, the transition in marriage. Trying to please a woman, wanting to show her that they enjoy her cooking. Men are often urged to take a second helping, and many do, just to avoid insulting the chef. It is one thing to enjoy food, it is quite another to abuse it. Men are definitely not encouraged to share their feelings!
These are only a few of the driving forces behind the desire to eat. No diet, no exercise program, no surgery will relieve you of your addiction to food. Why? Because they do not address the profound reasons for your bad eating habits. The more you eat and gain weight the more frustrated you get and the more you eat. This is a vicious cycle that becomes a habit. A habit of weight up and down like a yo-yo, triggering more serious health problems such as diabetes, hypertension and heart attacks. In addition, as you get older it becomes more difficult to lose this extra weight.
The answer is not more rigid programs or over identifying with the problem. It is also not trying to make the food behave. The answer is support, accountability, and a commitment to exercise and a healthy diet. And of course, you have to WANT to.
1. Look for help: Whether it be a good friend, mentor, Pastor, group or professional counselor, seek to change your response to stress and negative emotions. Whatever is triggering your response, you need to address the issue. Just let your stuff hit the fan, so to speak. Then to have someone come along side you in accountability can be highly effect in changing your outlook.
2. If boredom is the reason for overeating: Is there something you always wanted to do, a project or something you wanted to learn but you never had time for? Ask people who share your same interests to help you find the resources. Volunteer at school, church, the library or local plant nursery. Be involved in your local community. Giving without expecting anything in return and helping others usually triggers the production of pleasure hormones in your brain so you are less tempted to eat to get the same good feeling.
4. Exercising is good: But try to find physical activities with possibilities to socialize by joining a group. This can be group exercise, walking, hiking, biking or even visiting local attractions.
5. Be kind to yourself: Accept emotional eating as a legitimate coping choice and tolerate some craving. Organize regularly a dinner or a lunch with your spouse or friends and eat what you like, not out of control, but a scheduled “cheat”. Get back on track the next couple of days by eating fish, lean meats and vegetables, do one more hour of exercise during the week.
6. Do not make eating an event, or try to eat while doing something else: Make a conscious choice of what you are eating, sit down and concentrate on eating only. Eat slowly, pause often, use small plates.
7. Surround yourself with foods that fuel you. Culture makes it very easy to eat quickly and conveniently. When we are stressed, we want to grab processed carbs or fast food. But that food is not fuel, and is not meant to be consumed regularly. Organize your fridge in stations. Left overs, sandwich station, fruits, quick crunchy veggies, natural nut butters, whole grain breads. Make up a larger batch of oatmeal to eat throughout the weak. You can dress it up different each day. Purchase disposable paper table wear with lids from your local restaurant supply store (recyclable of course!) If these foods are at your fingertips, when the crunch comes, you can grab and go from your own home.
Guilt only makes you feel bad about yourself. When you feel bad about yourself, you are experiencing a negative emotion. That is not motivating. You can't change what has been. You can only change what is ahead.
There comes a time when you just have to accept that you have a weakness or a struggle in this area but then move on. Fitness is a lifestyle that may not come easily to some people. But that doesn't mean it can't happen.
Many people who struggle with their weight and eating right have some deep-seated emotional issues to deal with. Don’t expect to move the mountain in one day. Take it a day at a time. But realize, there is no food out there that will make you feel better about what you are feeling.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Fit Quick Tip: Build & Burn
Did you know that separating weight training and cardiovascular training for 6 to 9 hours can be a highly effective tool in creating killer results? Weight training causes the body to secrete anabolic hormones (muscle building) and cardiovascular exercises cause the body to secrete catabolic hormones (fat burning). This way you can get the most effective results from your workouts and fast results. There's more than one way to skinny a cat!
Monday, March 28, 2011
AT BOOT CAMP ACADEMY 101 we represent many different people at all different seasons. While the workout is the same for everyone during any given class, what happens after class may be very different. It is here we strive to put information in your hands that will help you whether you go to a job, a house full of children, caring for an elderly parent, dealing with a handicap, or the golf course.
AT BOOT CAMP ACADEMY 101 we want to hear from YOU. What are the places in your life that over shadow your ability to stay on track. It could be that no one in your household supports your effort, an unresolved issue in your life that you keep tripping over, falling on hard times financially, or an unexpected disability. Who, what, where, when and why does something WORK for you. Share it with us. It could be a habit you formed, a supplement that was recommended, another BLOG, a favorite recipe, a book, a kind word of encouragement. While we do not endorse at BOOT CAMP ACADEMY 101, we believe that the power of the right information in the hands of someone who needs it, can be transforming.
Not all the information here will be a therapy session, we have some fun, completely irrelevant information too! lol Well, not irrelevant, but definitely light and just FYI. I know there are some products our members have been using. We will share some of those with you too. If I am talking about YOU, share with a bit of testimony, we encourage that!!
Friday, March 25, 2011
All too often we are crunched for time and have to make a mad dash to the next thing after a workout. Here are a few products to collect for just that occasion. Here's my picks.
NEUTROGENA Sunscreen for faces
or CLINIQUE Sunscreen
AVON Body Spray
or VICTORIA SECRET Refreshing Body Spray
VASELINE Intensive Lip Therapy
A MUST for chapped lips. Starts working within a day!
Beat the heat with DOVE Clinical Strength Deodorant
Beat the greasies with a dry shampoo TIGI Rockaholic
Splurge on a makeup quick set like TWO FACED Spring Collection Look of Love set
or create your own with a powder, blush, neutral shadow, lipstick or gloss and black mascara!
Do you have any favorites to share?
GARNIER Nutritioniste Cleansing TowelettesA MUST for chapped lips. Starts working within a day!
or create your own with a powder, blush, neutral shadow, lipstick or gloss and black mascara!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Are you a nightime snacker? This can be a very unhealthy habit, OR a great sleep aide. Depending on the choice of snack. Instead of grabbing that bag of chips or gallon of ice cream and a spoon, try these small bed time snacks and get a good night sleep. The best bedtime snacks are high in protein, fiber, complex carbs, minerals, and the amino acid tryptophan. To ensure proper digestion and rest, eat an hour and a half before target bedtime. Save the milk and cookies for fat Santa.
The best bedtime snacks:
- Cottage cheese and fruit.
- A string cheese and a few whole grain crackers.
- A small serving of salmon and brown rice.
- A bowl of oatmeal with almonds.
- Yogurt, fruit, and wheat germ.
- 6-8 oz container of non-fat, flavored yogurt topped with 2 tablespoons low-fat granola cereal
- Peanut butter on whole grain toast.
- One egg and a piece of whole grain toast.
- A fruit smoothie with protein powder.
- A small bowl of high fiber cereal and milk.
- A handful of raw cashews, peanuts, or other nuts.
- Half an avocado and whole grain chips.
- Half a turkey sandwich on whole grain bread.
- 3 tablespoons of hummus and veggies or a few whole grain chips.
- 2 tablespoons of cashew butter and celery decorated with raisins.
- Rice cakes and cashew or peanut butter.
- Sliced apple with 1-2 teaspoons natural peanut butter
- 3-6 tablespoons of freshly ground flax seeds mixed with applesauce or yogurt.
- 3 cups low-fat popcorn – sprinkled with optional 2 tablespoons parmesan cheese
Bedtime Snacks for Children:
-1/2 cup low-fat vanilla pudding
-1/2 banana with 1-2 teaspoons peanut butter
- One cup skim milk with a bunch of grapes (or other fruit)
For menopause:
Try eating a small baked potato without sour cream (butter or olive oil is allowed)
Sleep Aide Center
The best bedtime snacks:
- Cottage cheese and fruit.
- A string cheese and a few whole grain crackers.
- A small serving of salmon and brown rice.
- A bowl of oatmeal with almonds.
- Yogurt, fruit, and wheat germ.
- 6-8 oz container of non-fat, flavored yogurt topped with 2 tablespoons low-fat granola cereal
- Peanut butter on whole grain toast.
- One egg and a piece of whole grain toast.
- A fruit smoothie with protein powder.
- A small bowl of high fiber cereal and milk.
- A handful of raw cashews, peanuts, or other nuts.
- Half an avocado and whole grain chips.
- Half a turkey sandwich on whole grain bread.
- 3 tablespoons of hummus and veggies or a few whole grain chips.
- 2 tablespoons of cashew butter and celery decorated with raisins.
- Rice cakes and cashew or peanut butter.
- Sliced apple with 1-2 teaspoons natural peanut butter
- 3-6 tablespoons of freshly ground flax seeds mixed with applesauce or yogurt.
- 3 cups low-fat popcorn – sprinkled with optional 2 tablespoons parmesan cheese
Bedtime Snacks for Children:
-1/2 cup low-fat vanilla pudding
-1/2 banana with 1-2 teaspoons peanut butter
- One cup skim milk with a bunch of grapes (or other fruit)
For menopause:
Try eating a small baked potato without sour cream (butter or olive oil is allowed)
Sleep Aide Center
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
How Much Does a Prayer Weigh?
God's giving is inseparable connected with our asking. "You do not have, because you do not ask." (James 4:2 NRSV)
Many years ago, just after World War I, there was a grocer who tried to weigh a prayer. During the week before Christmas a woman came into his store and asked for food to make a Christmas dinner for her children. He asked her how much she had to spend.
She answered, "My husband was killed in the war. I have nothing to offer but a prayer.'
The grocer said gruffly, "Write it down," and went about his business. To his surprise, the woman took a slip of paper out of her purse and handed it to him. "I did that during the night while I was watching over my sick baby," she said. The grocer took the paper and callously placed it on the weight side of his old-fashioned scales.
He said, "I'll give you the weight of food equal to the weight of this prayer." To his great astonishment, when he put a loaf of bread on the other side of the scale it didn't budge. Startled, he added a brick of cheese, and then a turkey, but it still didn't move. Finally, he had loaded so much food on the scale it couldn't hold any more.
He handed the woman a bag and said, "You'll have to sack it all yourself," then turned away. It was only after the woman left, tears of joy streaming down her face, that he discovered his scale had broken at the precise moment he placed her prayer on it. For the first time, he looked down to read what the woman had written:
"Please, Lord, give us this day our daily bread." (Matthew 6: 11)
God's giving is inseparable connected with our asking. "You do not have, because you do not ask." (James 4:2 NRSV)
Many years ago, just after World War I, there was a grocer who tried to weigh a prayer. During the week before Christmas a woman came into his store and asked for food to make a Christmas dinner for her children. He asked her how much she had to spend.
She answered, "My husband was killed in the war. I have nothing to offer but a prayer.'
The grocer said gruffly, "Write it down," and went about his business. To his surprise, the woman took a slip of paper out of her purse and handed it to him. "I did that during the night while I was watching over my sick baby," she said. The grocer took the paper and callously placed it on the weight side of his old-fashioned scales.
He said, "I'll give you the weight of food equal to the weight of this prayer." To his great astonishment, when he put a loaf of bread on the other side of the scale it didn't budge. Startled, he added a brick of cheese, and then a turkey, but it still didn't move. Finally, he had loaded so much food on the scale it couldn't hold any more.
He handed the woman a bag and said, "You'll have to sack it all yourself," then turned away. It was only after the woman left, tears of joy streaming down her face, that he discovered his scale had broken at the precise moment he placed her prayer on it. For the first time, he looked down to read what the woman had written:
"Please, Lord, give us this day our daily bread." (Matthew 6: 11)
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
CHAOS: Acronym for Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome
Monday, March 21, 2011
What's for Sunday Dinner? 300 Calorie Meal Makeovers
Is this what your normal Sunday fare looks like?
Do you ever wonder what your portions should look like? These are some examples broken down by meal. If you are trying to lose weight, 5 or 6 of these meals a day will get you on the right track. While not an advocate of "diet foods" such as reduced fat oils or low fat butter which usually comes in the form of hydrogenated oil (just use less of full fat real butter and olive oil), I still believe these portions are an earnest gaze at what is real eating. Super Size Me? NOT!
1C fruit
1 C coffee or tea
1 banana
1C of cereal
8 oz. of 2% milk
1 banana
1C coffee or tea

1 medium baked potato
2T sour cream
2T salsa
1C sliced melon
12 oz. water with lemon
1 bowl of tomato soup
1 small tossed salad
2T reduced fat oil and vinegar dressing
4 saltines
6 oz. of skinless chicken breast
1C green beans
2 pats lowfat butter
1 small tossed salad
2T reduced fat oil and vinegar dressing
12 oz. water with lemon
1 large tossed salad
6 oz. skinless chicken breast
2T reduced fat oil and vinegar dressing
1C lowfat wheat thin crackers
12 oz. water with lemon
6 oz. broiled white fish
1C mashed potatoes
1 pat butter
1/2 C peas
2 scrambled eggs
2 strips of turkey bacon
1 piece of wheat toast
1 pat of low fat butter
1 coffee or tea
1 whole wheat English muffin
2 pats of lowfat butter
1 hard boiled egg
1/2 C fruit
8 oz. fruit jouce
8 oz. coffee
6 oz. cooked skinless chicken breast
2T barbecue sauce
1C mixed vegetable
1/2 C brown rice
1 small tossed salad
2T reduced fat oil and vinegar dressing
12 oz. water with lemon
Taken from www.diet-blog.com
Friday, March 18, 2011
Pain, Pain Go Away
Vitamin D Deficiency - Vitamin D helps in the synthesis of parathyroid hormone, which serves to extract phosphates, especially calcium phosphate, from the bones.
Lack of Magnesium - Magnesium helps with proper muscle functioning. Magnesium depletion can be caused by many factors. A few of which are; sleep disturbances, lack of sleep, high levels of stress, a decrease in estrogen during menopause.
Gluten Intolerance - Negative auto-immune response
Before embarking on any self diagnosis, start by requesting blood work. You may be deficient elsewhere, which could be causing you to not absorb your vitamins and minerals. Find a practitioner who will listen to you, who is committed to finding the cause, not just treating the symptoms.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Gluten Free Protein Bar!
Protein is an important part of your post-workout diet. After some of the gluten free posts, I thought this would be appropriate for just that! This recipe could be varied 100 ways. This is brought to you by bodyrock.tv
Preheat oven to 325 F
1.5 C of ground nuts; grind to consistency of corn meal (choose one or a variety of nuts and grind in coffee bean grinder or food processor)
3C oats
2T honey
1C coconut milk
1/2 C shredded coconut
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
3 scoops vanilla protein powder
Great a 9x13 pan and spread mixture.
Bake 15 to 20 minutes
Cut into bars and freeze. Pull one out when before the workout to thaw.
This recipe could be varied in so many ways. Some suggestions are:
1. Replace 1/4 C nuts with flax seed and grind with nuts: Benefit - Omega 3, Lignans which have both plant estrogen and antioxidant qualities and Fiber
2. Add dried fruit
3. Try a different flavor of protein such as peanut butter or caramel (though these will probably not be sugar free).
4. Add seeds
This recipe is not low fat, so for weight loss, it is recommended as an after workout snack, or meal replacement.
Preheat oven to 325 F
1.5 C of ground nuts; grind to consistency of corn meal (choose one or a variety of nuts and grind in coffee bean grinder or food processor)
3C oats
2T honey
1C coconut milk
1/2 C shredded coconut
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
3 scoops vanilla protein powder
Great a 9x13 pan and spread mixture.
Bake 15 to 20 minutes
Cut into bars and freeze. Pull one out when before the workout to thaw.
This recipe could be varied in so many ways. Some suggestions are:
1. Replace 1/4 C nuts with flax seed and grind with nuts: Benefit - Omega 3, Lignans which have both plant estrogen and antioxidant qualities and Fiber
2. Add dried fruit
3. Try a different flavor of protein such as peanut butter or caramel (though these will probably not be sugar free).
4. Add seeds
This recipe is not low fat, so for weight loss, it is recommended as an after workout snack, or meal replacement.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Whole Foods Gluten Free Bakehouse
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Need some nutritional inspitration? Go to EAT SEASONABLY for what is in season throughout the year and what to do with it! Get the most for your money and your tastebuds. When you buy in season, produce is at it's tastiest peak!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Get Your Food into the 21st CENTURY!
The Old Five Food Groups: USDA MyPyramid
The traditional food pyramid separates out food groups based on their basic properties:1) Grains
Any food made from wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, barley or another cereal grain is a grain product. Grains are divided into 2 subgroups, whole grains and refined grains. Whole grains contain the entire grain kernel — the bran, germ, and endosperm whereas refined grains have been milled, a process that removes the bran and germ.Unrefined Whole-wheat flour Bulgur (cracked wheat) Oatmeal Whole cornmeal Brown rice | Refined White flour Degermed cornmeal White bread White rice |
2) Vegetables
The meaning a vegetable is largely based on culinary and cultural tradition, but usually it means an edible plant, or part of a plant other than a sweet fruit, or seed. Vegetables are further divided into 4 sub-groups:Dark Green Vegetables Broccoli Collard greens Dark green leafy lettuce | Orange Vegetables Dry Beans and Peas Kidney beans Lentils Lima beans | Starchy vegetables Corn Green peas Lima beans (green) Potatoes | Other Vegetables Artichokes Asparagus Bean sprouts |
3) Fruits
The non-technical meaning is a structure of a plant that contains seeds and is sweet and edible in its raw state.• Apples
• Apricots
• Avocado
• Grapes
4) Milk (aka Dairy)
Milk is an “opaque white liquid produced by the mammary glands of mammals”. Now that sounds appetizing. Milk contains all essential amino acids.• Whole milk
• Yogurt
• Cheese
• Eggs
5) Meat & Beans
Wait, didn’t we just say beans are a vegetable? Well, according to the USDA, they are in the Meat & Beans group too because they contain some protein. I don’t know about you, but I’m already starting to get confused. Meats include fish, beef, chicken, pork and other wildlife.Finally, there is “Fat”, or oils, which are technically considered a separate food group, but few people acknowledge this.
The (New) Five Food Groups
The (new) five food groups separate food groups by their macronutrient profile, not just based on whether they are a plant, or animal, fruit, or vegetable. What I mean by “macronutrient profile” is that there are 3 macronutrients (protein, carbs, and fat) that provide calories to your body AND affect your body in different ways.For example, protein (4 calories per gram) helps repair body tissue such as muscle, ligaments, organs. Carbohydrates (4 calories per gram) provide energy for your body and effect your insulin levels, which in turn directly affects your ability to lose fat. Because eating the right amount and type of carbohydrates is so important for losing fat, carbs are split into three sub-categories, fibrous, starchy, and simple. And finally you have fat, which contains 9 calories per gram, more than double protein and carbs! Dietary fat provides energy, helps maintain proper hormone function, and helps carry vitamins to a name a few of its benefits.
So now, wouldn’t it make sense to group foods based on their macronutrient profile, or roughly how much protein, carbs, or fat they contain? I think so!
Here are the “new” five food groups, which have been used by natural bodybuilders, fitness models, and sports nutritionists for years:
1) Lean Protein
Lean proteins includes any type of protein that has all 8 essential amino acids and is low in fat such as lean meats (fish, chicken, turkey etc.) and low fat dairy.2) Fibrous Carbs
These are vegetables that are high in fiber, low in sugar and total carbs. From the USDA pyramid, all dark green vegetables are fibrous carbs. Orange vegetables and “beans”, however are NOT considered fibrous carbs, even though they are vegetables because they are much higher in total carbohydrates.3) Starchy Carbs
Any food that has a relatively high amount of carbs, lower in protein, fat, and sugar is considered a “starchy” carb. Foods include cereals, bread, potatoes, legumes (beans), pasta, rice, and orange veggies like squash. This is similar to the grains category in the USDA pyramid, but with orange veggies and beans thrown in.Notice how beans are not considered a lean protein, based on their macronutrient profile. Most starchy carbs are rated medium to high on the glycemic index, which rates carbs according to their effect on blood-glucose levels. Starchy carbs are sometimes referred to as “fattening” carbs, but this is a stretch in my opinion. People who follow the Paleo diet (caveman diet), or Atkins diet eat almost no starches. As I’ve said before, I eat a moderate amount (40%-50% of my calories) of natural carbs.
4) Simple Carbs
Fruits, soft drinks like Coke, or sugary foods like a Snickers Bar are considered simple carbs. Of course, fruit is healthier than a candy bar because of the vitamins they contain AND because they typically have a lower insulin effect (fructose vs. sucrose), but all sugary substances go in this category. The molecular structure of “simple” carbs food is less complex than that of starches for example, which is why they typically spike insulin to a greater degree. Of course, I don’t recommend eating anything other than fruits as your source of simple carbs.5) Fats
If a food derives most of its calories from fat, you can definitely put it in the “fat” category. Avocado, even though it’s technically a fruit, is not a simple carb at all, because it’s mostly fat (75% of calories!).Fatty meats like bacon and deep fried chicken go in the “fat” category, not the protein catagory. Did you know a 6 ounce 80/20 hamburger, marked as 80% lean, 20% fat, really has 30 grams of fat, which is almost 60% of calories coming from fat? Other fats include butter, oils, nuts, and hummus, which contains about 40% of its calories from fat.
The limitation to this framework is that these five food groups do not necessarily provide the right nutrients to your body if you don’t eat at least some variety in each category, and some of the foods can be arguably be in 2 groups, like hummus, which can be a starch, but still has 40% of calories from fat.
I do believe, however, that eating foods using the new five food groups conceptual framework, it’s MUCH easier to control total calories and insulin levels, which is what fat loss nutrition is all about. It’s easier to control calories because now you will know what foods are high in fat and you should eat sparingly, you can control carb intake because you will know what foods are high in carbs (manage insulin levels), and finally you can consume ample, high value protein.
From BuiltLean.com
Friday, March 11, 2011
The OFFICIAL Trainer
Saturday, June 25 at 8:00am - June 26 at 6:00pm
Check us it out on FACEBOOK!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
“The world is mud-luscious and puddle-wonderful.” E.E. Cummings
Have some muddy fun with a buddy! The best way to overcome your fear is to bring a friend. GET CRAZY! This event will be a lot of FUN and family friendly. Instead of a bike ride in the park, it will be a mudslide! C'mon, I know you want to...
Saturday, June 25 at 8:00am - June 26 at 6:00pm
See us on FACEBOOK!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
There's a Movie Star in All of US
DISCIPLINE is an act that when implemented in one area, will tend to translate into other areas of your life as well. The benefit of discipline is exponential.
WHY you are embarking on a goal determines your commitment. It will order your steps and keep you on track, even when you fall off. Write it down and keep it in mind.
TAKE YOUR THOUGHTS CAPTIVE - The apostle Paul wrote "Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things."
PLAN for derailment. Know in advance how you will handle events, illness, vacations etc. This way you will not have them sneak up on you and feel as though you have failed. This can lead to self-destructive behavior.
John P. Hussman, PhD
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Don't Be A Flabby Abby!
Abs are defined as three main muscles. They are called: internal oblique, external oblique and rectus abdominus.
You don’t have to be relegated to endless sit ups and crunches. Not sure how to get in a good ab routine? Add these to the round up.
Plank Pose Start in an upper push-up position. Your hands are directly under you shoulders and your feet are together. Keep your back as flat as possible. Your head and neck are in line with your spine (you should be looking at the ground). Go For It- Stay in this position as long as possible. Just count those seconds!
Tips and Techniques
– Remember to breathe!
– Pull your belly button into your spine.
– If you feel this ab exercise in your lower back, lift your derriere up into the air a bit.
– When you cannot hold on for another second, come down to all fours (hands and knees). Then recline back so you are sitting on your heels. Then bend from your hips so that your head is resting on the ground. This is a called Child’s Pose.
– This ab exercise works the inner most ab muscle called your transverse abdominus. That muscle is responsible for holding in our stomach (giving the appearance of a flat stomach), and supporting our spine.
Leg Lowering Begin by laying on your back. Place your hands wherever they are comfortable. Lift your legs straight into the air. Go For It- Very slowly begin to lower your legs so that they are almost touching the ground. Pause for one second and begin to lift back to start.
Tips and Techniques:
– Inhale as you lower your legs to the ground. Exhale as you lift them back to the sky.
– Pull your belly button into your spine.
– If you feel you need some lower back support, place your hands in the small of your lower back.
– You should feel this ab exercise in your lower abs.
Reverse Crunch Begin by laying on your back. Place your hands wherever they are comfortable. Bend your knees and bring your feet off the floor. Push the small of your lower back into the ground. Go For It- Lift your bottom off the floor by bringing your knees back towards your chest. Once they reach your chest, go back to the starting position in a controlled manor.
Tips and Techniques:
– Exhale as your lift knees back towards chest. Inhale as you lower back to start.
– Pull your belly button into your spine.
– Try to only use your lower abs to lift your bottom off the floor. Using momentum or your arms is not going to give you the stomach results you are looking for.
– You should feel this ab exercise in your lower abs.
Bicycle Begin by laying on your back. Place your hands wherever they are comfortable. Bend your knees to a 90 degree angle. Go For It- Very slowly straighten your right leg up to the sky and lower it almost to the ground. Bring it back to start. Now slowly take your left leg straight up and slowly lower it to the floor. Take it back in to start.
Tips and Techniques:
– Inhale and Exhale as you feel most comfortable. Just breathe in this ab exercise.
– Pull your belly button into your spine.
– If you feel you need some lower back support, place your hands in the small of your lower back.
– You should feel this ab exercise in your lower abs.
– It is extremely important to do this exercise slow and controlled. Many people move through it faster than the speed of light. If you want results, go slow and controlled.
– Only take the right leg up, down, and back in. The left leg stays bent in a 90 degree position. Then do your left leg. Take it up, down, and back in as your right leg stays in place.
Abs are defined as three main muscles. They are called: internal oblique, external oblique and rectus abdominus.
You don’t have to be relegated to endless sit ups and crunches. Not sure how to get in a good ab routine? Add these to the round up.
Plank Pose Start in an upper push-up position. Your hands are directly under you shoulders and your feet are together. Keep your back as flat as possible. Your head and neck are in line with your spine (you should be looking at the ground). Go For It- Stay in this position as long as possible. Just count those seconds!
Tips and Techniques
– Remember to breathe!
– Pull your belly button into your spine.
– If you feel this ab exercise in your lower back, lift your derriere up into the air a bit.
– When you cannot hold on for another second, come down to all fours (hands and knees). Then recline back so you are sitting on your heels. Then bend from your hips so that your head is resting on the ground. This is a called Child’s Pose.
– This ab exercise works the inner most ab muscle called your transverse abdominus. That muscle is responsible for holding in our stomach (giving the appearance of a flat stomach), and supporting our spine.
Leg Lowering Begin by laying on your back. Place your hands wherever they are comfortable. Lift your legs straight into the air. Go For It- Very slowly begin to lower your legs so that they are almost touching the ground. Pause for one second and begin to lift back to start.
Tips and Techniques:
– Inhale as you lower your legs to the ground. Exhale as you lift them back to the sky.
– Pull your belly button into your spine.
– If you feel you need some lower back support, place your hands in the small of your lower back.
– You should feel this ab exercise in your lower abs.
Reverse Crunch Begin by laying on your back. Place your hands wherever they are comfortable. Bend your knees and bring your feet off the floor. Push the small of your lower back into the ground. Go For It- Lift your bottom off the floor by bringing your knees back towards your chest. Once they reach your chest, go back to the starting position in a controlled manor.
Tips and Techniques:
– Exhale as your lift knees back towards chest. Inhale as you lower back to start.
– Pull your belly button into your spine.
– Try to only use your lower abs to lift your bottom off the floor. Using momentum or your arms is not going to give you the stomach results you are looking for.
– You should feel this ab exercise in your lower abs.
Bicycle Begin by laying on your back. Place your hands wherever they are comfortable. Bend your knees to a 90 degree angle. Go For It- Very slowly straighten your right leg up to the sky and lower it almost to the ground. Bring it back to start. Now slowly take your left leg straight up and slowly lower it to the floor. Take it back in to start.
Tips and Techniques:
– Inhale and Exhale as you feel most comfortable. Just breathe in this ab exercise.
– Pull your belly button into your spine.
– If you feel you need some lower back support, place your hands in the small of your lower back.
– You should feel this ab exercise in your lower abs.
– It is extremely important to do this exercise slow and controlled. Many people move through it faster than the speed of light. If you want results, go slow and controlled.
– Only take the right leg up, down, and back in. The left leg stays bent in a 90 degree position. Then do your left leg. Take it up, down, and back in as your right leg stays in place.
Monday, March 7, 2011
A bowl of oatmeal is great way to get your day started. There are many benefits to oats, including the fact that is is gluten-free. Soaking your oats overnight can also make them easier to digest. Soak 1C oats to 1C water and 1T plain yogurt and let sit on counter overnight. When this is done you will only need to heat them, so it also makes for quicker preparation for a hot cereal. Make a large batch to keep over a few days. This method can also be used when baking with oats. Nutritional Facts - 1 cup of oats (whole grain, cooked) contains: Cal/147, Fat/2.3 g, Carbs/25.3 g, Protein/6 g, Fiber/3.98 g
BENEFITS - good source of high quality plant based protein, vitamin E, zinc, selenium, copper, iron, manganese, and magnesium, as well as a high fiber content when the whole grain is consumed with the oat bran
Ways to Include More Oat in Your Diet:
Serve hot with fruit, nut, dairy or almond milk
Add oat flour or whole oats to your baked goods
Oat bran into your cookies, muffins and cereal adds fiber
Try coarsely grinding oats in a blender or coffee grinder in place of bread crumbs in your favorite recipes including poultry and meatloaf
Basic Oatmeal Pancake
1 egg
1/2 cup rolled oats
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon spice such as cinnamon, apple pie, pumpkin pie, nutmeg
1 Tablespoon natural peanut butter, almond butter (for added protein) or fresh fruit
1 teaspoon maple syrup
Heat small pan or griddle over medium high heat.
Beat the eggs, oats, vanilla, and spice
Pour into prepared pan. Cook for 2-3 minutes then flip and cook for 2 minutes more.
Serve with peanut butter or almond butter and maple syrup.
BENEFITS - good source of high quality plant based protein, vitamin E, zinc, selenium, copper, iron, manganese, and magnesium, as well as a high fiber content when the whole grain is consumed with the oat bran
Ways to Include More Oat in Your Diet:
Serve hot with fruit, nut, dairy or almond milk
Add oat flour or whole oats to your baked goods
Oat bran into your cookies, muffins and cereal adds fiber
Try coarsely grinding oats in a blender or coffee grinder in place of bread crumbs in your favorite recipes including poultry and meatloaf
Basic Oatmeal Pancake
1 egg
1/2 cup rolled oats
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon spice such as cinnamon, apple pie, pumpkin pie, nutmeg
1 Tablespoon natural peanut butter, almond butter (for added protein) or fresh fruit
1 teaspoon maple syrup
Heat small pan or griddle over medium high heat.
Beat the eggs, oats, vanilla, and spice
Pour into prepared pan. Cook for 2-3 minutes then flip and cook for 2 minutes more.
Serve with peanut butter or almond butter and maple syrup.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Be part of a team!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Roasted Vegetables
Produce stands are planting their crops, and before you know it we'll have the harvest. Keep a shaker of herbs around for this oven roasted vegetable recipe from The Eat Clean Diet Cookbook, by Tosca Reno.
2 large spanish or sweet onions, chunks
4 large carrots, chunks
2 peeled turnips, chunks
1/2 lb.Brussels sprouts (so good roasted!)
6 small beets, peeled
8-10 small potatoes (not Russett or Idaho)
4 T Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 tsp. dried rosemary
4 minced garlic gloves
1T fresh marjoram
Sea Salt & ground black pepper
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Peel all veggies, quarter potatoes. Toss all vegetables in oil and herbs. Arrange on large roasting pan coated with cooking spray. Cover with foil and bake 35 minutes.
Uncover, turn vegetables with a large spoon. Add S/P and roast at 425 degrees for another 25-30 minutes.
6 Servings - 371 calories/9 g Protein/10 g Fiber per serving
2 large spanish or sweet onions, chunks
4 large carrots, chunks
2 peeled turnips, chunks
1/2 lb.Brussels sprouts (so good roasted!)
6 small beets, peeled
8-10 small potatoes (not Russett or Idaho)
4 T Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 tsp. dried rosemary
4 minced garlic gloves
1T fresh marjoram
Sea Salt & ground black pepper
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Peel all veggies, quarter potatoes. Toss all vegetables in oil and herbs. Arrange on large roasting pan coated with cooking spray. Cover with foil and bake 35 minutes.
Uncover, turn vegetables with a large spoon. Add S/P and roast at 425 degrees for another 25-30 minutes.
6 Servings - 371 calories/9 g Protein/10 g Fiber per serving
Chant "I don't know what you've been told"!
Does the word Boot Camp scare you? Do you envision GI Jane workouts that are only for the elite? Check out this video, these are some exercises you will see during a typical hour boot camp. You can do it at any fitness level. Other campers will inspire you and cheer you on to your fitness goals!
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